Seriously. Thank you, Hot Topic. Not really "my kind" of store, but if they want to sell boots in my size for FIVE DOLLARS, I am not about to snub them.
I'm nearing the end of my winter break, which has been productive for nothing but knitting, and browsing Etsy. I am making it my goal for the month of January to get a couple of patterns typed up to sell (~*NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!*~). When the glorious day comes and I have a shop of my own, it will be, and you can buy things and support all my habits... like eating... and laundry...
If you're not familiar with Etsy, you need to be. The people on there are amazing crafters, and some of them have been very friendly indeed! One in particular, a spinner/dyer who calls herself TwistOfFate, is sending me fibery goodness just for being the 200th person to "heart," her shop! Now I heart it even more! All this and a Stash.Enhancement.Xpedition. happened on Wednesday - lucky day or what?! Wednesday can be very important: If you haven't seen this, that's sad.
I do NOT win the health lottery this week, however. Evil Death-Cough strikes again, and is keeping me awake, hence the 4:00am post.
As I said, I had a S.E.X. this week! It was much needed, and of course I spent too much, but I am the proud owner of 13 skeins of awesome yarn/fiber that totaled... $51.00! I'm all kinds of thrifty. Kennita has a lovely stack of 3-bucks-a-ball baskets in the back of the shop, which I have taken it upon myself to reduce significantly. I also discovered some new stock in the shop - roving! I do not yet know how to spin, or have suitable equipment, but I am hoping to soon be the owner of a drop spindle, and I'm sure I'll figure it out with some help from the ol' internet.
I has FO's!
My first pair of Fetching